Lincoln Preservation Foundation
Somerset Farm
Category: Home
Historical Dates: 1830s - present
Threat Level: Low
Location: Foundry Road
Somerset was originally built in the 1830's by Richard Henry Taylor. He operated a foundry on his property where he became known for crafting frog doorstops, grill work, and farm bells of iron. His greatest achievement was designing and crafting the first iron beam plow to be used in Loudoun County. It also features the oldest Bald Cypress tree in Loudoun County.
Detailed Information
Somerset has undergone numerous additions and doubled in size over the past 200 years. The historic portion of the house still has the original wooden floors, doorknobs and locks. It has 2 fireplaces, one of which is still functioning. It has an unusual narrow stairway leading to the second floor with a door opening into the living area between dining and living room. The original stone and frame spring house is still standing, there is still fresh spring water in the well of the spring house. It is likely that fruit, vegetables and other food was stored there over the winter months. Somerset has a large pond that is fed by springs on the property. It is said that the ponds in Loudoun County were man-made for the specific purpose of supplying blocks of ice to help preserve the food stored over the winter. The original barn on Somerset is reputed to have been one of the barns burned by the Union soldiers during the Civil War. There is an old bank barn which has been added onto. The property is home to a large number of splendid pin oaks, Japanese maple, weeping birch, chestnut and ginkgo trees. It is believed that Somerset has one of the largest Bald Cypress Trees in the County dating back to the time when the house was built.