Lincoln Preservation Foundation
Lincoln Oak
Category: Landmark
Historical Dates: 1766
Threat Level: High
Location: Sands Road
The Lincoln Oak, located at a sharp bend on Sands Road between Lincoln and Hamilton, is approximately 250 years old. It predates the Revolutionary War and bore witness to the skirmish of Katy's Hollow during the Civil War. It marks the area where the Manassas Gap Railroad bed traverses the road, and where Mosby’s raiders led a surprise attack on Union troops in 1865.
Detailed Information
This beautiful white oak has been around since before the Declaration of Independence and has survived tumultuous times—not the least of which was the development threat taking place on the former Frazer Farm in 2001. On March 10, 2001, about 150 walkers participated in the Lincoln Loop Walk which was organized by the Lincoln Preservation Foundation to protest the residential development on Frazer Farm—now known as Fawn Meadow—which destroyed the site of the skirmish at Katy’s Hollow (Battle of Hamilton/ Harmony) and nearly destroyed a large section of the Loudoun Branch of the Manassas Gap Railroad bed—all of which borders the Goose Creek Historical District. The development also threatened the Lincoln Oak by virtue of proposed road improvements. An article in the Fairfax Times quoted LPF then-president Carol Morris Dukes as saying that the purpose of the 3.6 mile Loop Walk event, "was to focus attention on the many architectural, historic, recreational and environmental treasures in and around Lincoln, which are currently threatened, and to demonstrate the presence of significant, sustained and committed citizen support for protecting them."
During the walk, Civil War rein-actors were encamped within the area of Katy’s Hollow - once a yearly event enjoyed by area residents. Of great surprise to participants of the Lincoln Loop Walk was the large banner reading “Save Me Please” seen stretched across the giant oak as walkers rounded the curve approaching the tree. It was not until later that organizers learned that Lincoln resident Michael Sipes, in the last weeks of his life, had made the banner and snuck out the previous night to hang it.
Eventually, the residential development was built, but the Lincoln Oak was spared. The Fawn Meadow 60-house development ruined a significant scenic site as well as a local walking tour; and laid claim to the simple gravel roads along its borders, as they were eventually paved. Civil War rein-actors stopped their yearly encampment. Michael Sipes died two months after the 2001 Lincoln Loop Walk from a terminal illness at age 45. His passion for saving the farm, and the tree, embodies the resolve the Lincoln Preservation Foundation has to protect our treasures.