Lincoln Preservation Foundation
Evergreen Farm
Category: Home
Historical Dates: 1826 - present
Threat Level: Low
Location: Lincoln Road
Built by Yardley Taylor, one of the areas best known abolitionists, who helped slaves escape to the north to freedom. This was once the home of Catherine Marshall, widow of Reverend Peter Marshall (former chaplain of the Senate), and world-known author of A Man Called Peter and the Christy novels. Previous owners include Howard and Sarah Hoge, and Dr. Howard Hoge Warner.
Detailed Information
Wood frame (weatherboard), stone and stucco; 2 1/2 stories; gable roof (standing seam metal); 3 gable dormers; 10 bays; 1-story, 3-bay shed-roof porch with molded cornice and Doric columns. Farmhouse. Early 19th century.
Much is known about Evergreen's famous prior owners--Yardley Taylor in particilar, but LPF is still searching for more details about the house itself. We welcome your input!